Friday, July 20, 2007

Day 2 Cycling the Erie Canal

We drove to Rome, NY (in the dead center of the State) which is the birthplace of the Erie canal. Jonathan said I could ride first so the girls and I (with Charles in tow) started along the canal path. It is on a dirt/stone surface which is a little rough on road bikes, but the scenery is lovely. We passed over a bridge at a lock and on the road saw a snake which had been run over by a car. She was pregnant and all the baby snakes were squished out. We stared fascinated at this and then the snake moved her head and scared us all. Gretchen thought this was the coolest thing she had ever seen and talked about it for the next hour of the ride. It was quite unique. We are going to try to find out what kind of snake it was.

1 comment:

michele said...

chame you look professional! are you wearing biking shorts?