Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Home of the Brookfield zoo, the best pizza I have ever eaten and our good friends the Zortmans who moved here from New York last Spring. We camped in their yard in Schaumberg. Our kids hit it off like they had never been apart.


michele said...

thanks for posting some of your trip. keep it up! dan is drooling over the pizza.

blair and maisy said...

Okay, time to post about Costa Rica! It's been 6 months since this last post. I still keep checking regularly, so don't let me down :)

Nikki A. said...

Hey guys, what's up? Long time no hear! How funny you came to Chicago. We were living there then (we moved to UT in Aug. 08) and only 15 min. away...so wild. Was that Giordano's pizza? It looks like it. Man we miss that stuff!! I'm actually ordering some for Alif's birthday and having it shipped - we can't wait!

Hope all is going great :) It's great to see your darling family! I didn't even know about George until I had lunch w/ Michelle a few weeks ago. What a cutie! I'll send you an invite to my blog so you can see how cute I am too, lol. Keep on keepin' on :)
Love ya, Nikki & fam